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AgilOne LogoCloud9 LogoIntaact LogoDev-Pro LogoVelocify LogoSocial Bakers Logo


LinkedIn Logo

LinkedIn Talent Solutions

Built a content-creation engine to feed outbound marketing campaigns for LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions. Developed high-visibility deliverables, including trends reports, customer case studies, product collateral, white papers, new user optimization tips, web site content and design, prospecting email templates, dynamic “logic ads” and data-driven “scorecard” campaigns.
EVault Logo

EVault, A Seagate Company

Led product marketing organization and drove marketing strategy, product definition and launches, competitive intelligence and all go-to-market activities. Developed product messaging platform, corporate brochure, product datasheets, business-case white papers, ROI calculators, and sales/analyst presentations.
Net Suite Logo

NetSuite Inc.

Ran product marketing for NetSuite and drove strategy, content, and execution of ten key product launches and campaigns. Developed company and product presentations, new product datasheets, webcasts, Sneak Peek product release summaries, web site content, comprehensive competitive analyses and online competitive portal.
Secure Computing Logo

Secure Computing Corporation (acquired by McAfee)

Led product marketing team, managed eight key product launches, and served as product evangelist and key product spokesperson. Developed core product positioning, new product design and development, sales and GTM strategies, pricing and packaging models, and a wide range of content for launches and channel programs.
PeopleSoft Logo

PeopleSoft Inc.

Served as director of marketing to develop and evangelize cohesive messaging and content to distinguish PeopleSoft in the marketplace. Created market and customer behavior analyses, corporate-level presentations, and Flash-based sales tools.
Oracle Logo

Oracle Corporation

Worked for six years driving marketing programs and content for Oracle’s SMB business group and supply chain management applications. Developed product brochures, datasheets, demos and presentations, case studies, ROI studies, webcasts, call-down campaigns, and video-based marketing content.